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New Moon Peace

Happy New Moon in Libra from Byron Bay ✨🌎 This is the most Eastern point of Australia 🌞

Libra is all about balance, harmony, peace, peaceful solutions and relationships. This is a much needed calming energy influence after what was an action packed September.

Today is a good day to light a candle or sit in the sun or in a quiet spot and set your intentions for the month ahead. If you have needed something to resolve, give thanks that things unfold and work out in the best way possible, for the highest good.

The Libran energies will be very helpful as they like diplomacy and for everyone to see things from the other person's perspective.

It's a great day to feel into the peace and love that lives in your heart, and see it going out to your loved ones, your community, your country and the world 🌎🙏

Let's make October a great month 💗💜💙

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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