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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Today we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Libra is about balance and harmony, so if you have any major emotional events, interactions or epiphanies today, know that it is about bringing yourself, your energy, your inner or outer world into a greater place of balance in some way. Now, Mercury in Aries and the Sun in Aries are opposite the Full Moon today, and Aries is all about the Self, where Libra is all about the Other. Aries likes to make sure me, myself and I are taken care of, while Libra's focus is on you, we, us and relationship. We all have a tendency to lean more toward either an Aries or Libran approach to life, and so it is important for things to come along now and again to give us a nudge in the other direction. If you are overly focused on others, a bit of Aries Self/Me influence can be just what the doctor ordered. If your life is too self-involved, expanding your focus to those around you is the medicine you might need. With Mercury being in Aries opposite the Full Moon Eclipse, communication could be the catalyst. You may find yourself standing up for yourself or your needs, putting your foot down, or realising how often you put the needs of others ahead of your own. You might find a relationship unexpectedly eclipse out of your life around now. If so, it is because one or both of you needed a new direction in order to experience the balance the Soul is seeking. Some people might get a realisation today that they need to look after themselves with greater independence, more assertiveness or stronger boundaries, while others may realise that they have been neglecting others in the pursuit of self-interests. How are you feeling today? Any Eclipse happenings in your life?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

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