Emotional Triple Treat

If you are feeling extra shakey/energised/adrenalin-pumped/anxious this morning - aside from the usual amounts of these things at this time of year - we just had an M Class Solar Flare.
For the first time in ages, this morning I had that solar flare feeling of having had 10 ten cups of coffee, only I haven't had any so I checked, and yep sure enough there was the M Class. Heart pumping, feeling jittery, getting an extra shot of inspiration, we all have different ways of responding to flares. It's helpful to know that we do respond, otherwise we can be feeling frazzled without knowing why, which only increases our stress!
This week is already one that has us feeling more stressed out than usual, and we also have the Christmas Day Full Moon in emotional, sensitive Cancer coming up. If ever there was a time to stop and breathe before you have an inner or outer meltdown, it is over these next few days.
The air is crackling with emotional triggers thanks to the holidays, full moon and now solar flare. There is pressure at this time of year to spend more than you have, and for some spending time with those you'd rather not see. There are reminders of family and friends whose chairs are empty at the table. It can be easy to feel swamped by all that pressure and emotion, and forget what is important: appreciate what you have, focus on who you love, feel who loves you, see all the good that is around you.
How are you all feeling? x
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