Plasma tubes and magnetic portals

It is incredible to think what is hovering above us without us knowing about it! Congratulations Sydney Uni student Cleo Loi!
Yesterday's confirmation by a young Aussie scientist that we have gigantic plasma tubes hovering and moving above Earth sent me on a NASA search to see what they had known about these tubes previously. Along the way I found this 2008 article that has just made my solar-flare loving self so happy, and explains even more why we can all feel solar activity so acutely so quickly: Magnetic portals connect our Earth to the Sun, and they open every 8 min! How much do you love that?!!! It's no longer a matter of 'imagine a portal linking you to the Sun' ...there IS a portal!!!
"Ten years ago I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible." Space physicist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2015
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