Jul 20, 2017
Identity Breakdowns + Breakthroughs (my own and yours)
Are you feeling a massive shift within where you aren't really sure who you are anymore or where you're going? I've been going through...

May 2, 2017
2017: A revolving door of WTF?!
Who else feels that 2017 so far has been a revolving door of WTF!? What's up is down, left is right, with life having more twists and...

Sep 8, 2016
September: "I came in like a...rainbow?!"
You know how in Miley Cyrus's song she sings "I came in like a wrecking ball"? Well for the longest time my sister Jelena Mrkich thought...

Sep 7, 2016
In the Eclipse tunnel: Up is down, left is right
If you feel like a whirlwind has picked you up and is yet to set you down, it is partly because we are in the middle of two eclipses...

May 26, 2016
Being the 'new' you around your 'old' life
A question came through on the Let Love In page* regarding how much more easeful it is to 'rechoose' who you are while travelling eg...

Nov 27, 2015
JFDI: Just fricken do it It's been a big week - this fabulous new online space was finally launched woohoo!! I've been working away on...

Jun 4, 2015
Floating-free energy and life stocktake
There is a big free-floating feeling in the air these days. The more our consciousness becomes centred in our hearts as opposed to our...