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Year of the Ox

Happy Lunar New Year of the Ox!

There’s a Zen quote that’s so apt for the Ox year: “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” As we find ourselves surrounded by cyclonic winds of change, Ox puts one foot in front of the other and does what needs to be done.

Ox is practical, strong, methodical, honest and resilient. Ox is King of slow and steady wins the race. This is a great year to focus on practical action steps:

1) What do you want to create or achieve (be it for your work, family, home, lifestyle, community, country or our collective world)

2) What do you need to do to make it happen or help make it happen? What practical steps can you take? Do you need to change any of your habits or choices? Ox reminds us to BE the change we are looking or waiting for.

Ox is driven, not prone to drama or dramatic public displays of emotion, patient and plods along sometimes excruciatingly slowly. However just like the tortoise in the Tortoise and Hare race, Ox will always get there in the end - even before those who might be faster or more sly, because Ox is diligent, dedicated and totally focused on the end goal.

Regardless of your personal Lunar sign, we’ll all enjoy the benefit of this much-needed grounding influence this year.

If you were born in the Year of the Ox, you’ll particularly thrive this year creating good, stable, solid foundations for your new 12 year cycle.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2021


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2021


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