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Social Media 2021

Social Media has taken a wobbly turn. Content is being removed and censored, pages are being deleted or shadow-banned, and the whole of Australia was temporarily disconnected from being able to see any news pages on FB for a week. Simultaneously, Australian FB pages - from news to charity groups to health pages to my own page - were showing 'no content' to most of the world during that week.

It's a challenging situation to be in knowing that all our social media content can be removed without notice, and even when content is technically visible, that it's not showing up in newsfeeds. For a few years now my FB follower number has been frozen around the same number, even though I can see people are constantly joining when I look in the behind the scenes section.

So what to do?

Lots of new platforms are popping up. Time will tell as to which of those will stand out as the main 'go-to's for people.

For now, my primary way of connecting with you will be:

* Through my newsletter. Please subscribe here to get a monthly update of new blogposts, upcoming courses, lives, interviews etc

* On this website. This is where you will find all of the above information anytime you like.

For now, my social media accounts are below. Please follow me if you use any of them:

Thank you for all of your support over the years. I look forward to staying connected and continuing to support you through these transformational times.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2021


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The Create a Life you Love, and Let Love In online courses

are now permanently available as Pay What You Can

(c) Dana Mrkich 2021


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