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More Aussies needing Mental Health Care

Great to see raising awareness of the mental health crisis facing people (many for the first time) as a result of Covid - restrictions, uncertainty, fear etc - and highlighting coping strategies.

As humans our core biological need is survival, which is in turn directly connected to our core emotional need: to feel safe. We try to control as much of life as we can to get these needs met, but this year has thrown our ability to control things out the window. This has triggered our fight/flight/freeze stress responses more than usual, for longer than usual.

My number 1 go-to tip that I'm most recommending lately is:

* 10 deep belly breaths last thing at night, and first thing in the morning. The mental/emotional state that you are in just before sleep stays with you for hours, and influences your mental/emotional state upon waking. Deep breaths last thing at night will benefit the quality of your sleep, and help you to wake feeling more refreshed, calmer and clearer. Deep breaths first thing will help you start your day with a calm, clear, peaceful foundation, from which you then launch into all you have to do.

What a lot of us tend to do these days (unless purposefully intending otherwise) is have our devices as our last thing/first thing, meaning going to bed with a head full of news, social media feeds, emails etc and waking up to a barrage of all that.

There has to be time and space before sleep to unplug from all that, and plug into YOU, and in the morning plug into YOU before re-plugging into everything else. If you can do more than 10 deep breaths, great! But at the least, 10 deep breaths is a good promise to yourself!!!

On a final note, crises bring with them opportunities for healing, for prioritising what’s truly important to us, for putting things in perspective. As challenging as these times are we will look back on this year as a turning point, a pivotal time of change (inner and outer), that will have many positive ripple effects.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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