Gemini Lunar Eclipse: Revealing Truths

Beautiful Jacaranda season coming to a close.
Lunar Eclipses reveal that which was hidden in our inner and outer worlds.
Revealing, exposing, seeing and accepting Truth is easier said than done. We all say we want it but we also have to be prepared to accept what comes with it. Sometimes we aren’t ready on a conscious level but our Soul is, so here it comes ready or not. Sometimes we think we are ready but part of our inner wiring, our circumstances, or our deep fears think otherwise “not yet, you can’t know yet, we can’t let your mind accept it yet, because you are not ready for what that will mean”. Our brain protects us for Truths that we are not ready for.
Truth can shatter our beliefs, beliefs that were holding our perceived reality together. It can destroy what we thought was real, betraying our trust in those we thought loved , cared about or were there for us. It can break up friendships and relationships because the Truth we speak differs from what others feel or believe, or want us to feel or believe. Truth can remove a long built up business or social media page in a second, with millions of posts and followers gone, just like that. Truth can show you that the world you thought you were living in is different to the world that actually exists. There is trauma that comes with certain Truths.
If we consciously or unconsciously believe that the Truth , whether personal or collective, will cause us harm, will ostracise us, penalize us, make friends and family turn away from us, or any other negative consequence, we might pipe down with our Truth, or our brain straight out rejects it, for our temporary protection.
Eventually though, Truth can’t stay hidden. It is geared toward the Light. Whether it takes a short or long time to emerge, whether it emerges the easy way or the hard way, it will always emerge.
At this time of the Lunar Eclipse, if you are praying for Truth to emerge, also pray that it emerges in the best way possible, for the highest good of all concerned. That it is received in the best way possible, in the most easeful way possible. That it is received by our highest heart vibration and highest Soul vibration, for the good of all concerned.
Today we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (8 deg Gemini). Lunar Eclipses bring to light things that were hidden in the shadows. They can also bring certain things to a close, from old worries and habits, to much loved jobs or relationships.
When relationships end during a Lunar Eclipse it might feel sudden and unexpected but actually things were perhaps not working for one or the other for a while. The Eclipse just provides that big catalyst that triggers the final ending.
Closure, healing realisations and the ending of long held patterns can come up during Lunar Eclipses.
Eclipses accelerate destined events, so between now and the Dec 14 Solar Eclipse there will likely be more life-changing happenings than usual .
Being in Gemini today’s Lunar Eclipse is all about communication. Having necessary conversations, clearing the air through communication, receiving or sending a letter, text message, email or other form of information and communication that reveals something, heals something or ends something.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020