Free Gift "Lighthouse" Meditation

Happy International Women's Day!
In honour of today, I'd love to gift you one of the meditations from our She Fire Membership Circle. It's called Lighthouse, and is helpful for both She Fires and He Fires!
Meditation Excerpts:
“As the world goes through its process of change, It can feel overwhelming.
You may think: What can I do? Where do I start? Start with your breath ...
In these times of intense, great social change, You are here to be a beacon of light for others,
Standing strong, standing still and standing high ...
Your light is there to not only guide others onto new paths and into new ways,
But also, of course, to guide your own self to the best possible actions in every moment”
This meditation is also available to all members in the She Fire Circle
If you’re a member you can access it in the Meditations Library.
If you’d like to join (with a 1 month free trial) please go here
(c) Dana Mrkich 2021 SUPPORT TOOLS Soul Sessions Sessions available via Zoom for clarity, guidance and mentoring Social Media Lives Please subscribe to my newsletter to stay updated with Lives She Fire Membership Circle New monthly themes every month Join Here Free Meditations The 'Breathe' and "Breathing Rest & Restore" Meditations in my Audio Store are currently available for free Pay What You Can Online Course The Create a Life you Love, and Let Love In online courses are now permanently available as Pay What You Can (c) Dana Mrkich 2021