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En route to the New Earth

Pic from @the_energetic_alchemist on Insta

We are all en route to the New Earth timeline. Some took the exit a long time ago and have prepped the foundations.

Sometimes there’ll be frustrating traffic and roadblocks and checkpoints leading up to the turnoff.

There’ll be signs along the whole highway leading up to the exit warning you not to exit, that it’s dangerous to take the new road. Listen to your inner knowing and trust yourself.

If you miss one exit don’t worry there’s a new one coming up every few minutes. The closer we get to the end of the old road ...and it does end...the more entry points there are to the new one.

Everyone gets nudged at different times, but ultimately, eventually, everyone is jumping to the new timeline, the new version of Earth. This is what we came here to do.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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