Do more of what makes your heart and soul happy
This book like so many has been on my shelf for years, for when I “have time” to read it This year I’ve taken a massive step away from social media as I realised how much of my time and energy it was taking up. Not so much the random scrolling but the loads of links that one ends up clicking, sending you into a never-ending web of online reading and rabbit holes.
I love information but after 2020 even I had major information overload and needed to step off the merry go round! Voila, it freed up a whole lot of time and energy to pour into my life and work in way more creative ways. On this Mother’s Day morning, after my lovely breakfast in bed, there is slight drizzling rain outside and this book has called out: Read Me!
Find time and make time to do more of what makes your heart and soul happy :)
(c) Dana Mrkich 2021
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2021