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Dec 21, 2020: Saturn Jupiter Conjunction

Image credit: Perth Observatory

We are fast approaching the day of the Solstice and much anticipated Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius. Age of Aquarius here we come!

December 21, 2020

Jupiter-Saturn 0 degrees Aquarius

It is our destiny as individual Souls and as a collective Humanity to awaken, to rise , to be free and live our full potential.

We are like plants. We grow toward the Light. Sometimes we have to make our way around rocks and bricks and boulders, sometimes there is an opening and we make a quantum leap into a big growth spurt. Either way, we are all helping each other get to where we are going, in many different kinds of ways.


In this interview our friend Denby Sheather chats to Steven Strong about the upcoming important Dec 21, 2020 ceremony being done by Indigenous Elders at Uluru.

A primary message is: stay in a high state of consciousness for the whole day leading up to the ceremony. That means: no negative thoughts about anyone or anything. It’s not enough to send love during the ceremony if right before it we are immersed in a social media argument or are sitting in fear or worry about the future, or are judging or talking badly about someone - anyone.

This isn’t easy. It takes years of inner work to clear the subconscious tapes that run in our minds, to clear unconscious wounds that influence what triggers us, to have a strong enough sense of self that you don’t need or want to think or talk badly about anyone else, or about your own self.

While it’s not easy, if you’re reading this then you are someone who has been doing this inner work so now is the time to put it in practice. If life has been a series of training sessions, think of Dec 21 and this week leading up to it as one of the events we have been training for.

We all have a part to play in the creation of our new reality. As the Hopi saying goes, we are the ones we have been waiting for. And to add to that...what if WE are the flash of light we have been waiting for? All lights ON at the same time.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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