A Message on Unity & the US Election

Artwork by @JelenaMrkich:
“There emerges from the raising of our hands, the vision and vote in favour of the round table.”
Unity isn’t about everyone thinking the same way. Unity is about everyone living harmoniously together, all ultimately wanting a similar outcome, (eg that all people are happy, healthy, safe, etc), and respecting each other’s thoughts, voices and opinions regarding how to get there.
Imagine a round table with a range of perspectives rather than a long narrow table divided into left and right factions.
Unity isn’t possible as long as we have a polarised left/right approach where half the people are divided and pitted against the other half. People are not one-dimensional . It’s not true to say that all people that voted one way are xyz and all people that voted another way are abc. Media and social media highlight extremes of each side, but it’s often an inaccurate portrayal.
Unity is possible when polarised left/right are able to find common ground and recognise we all are multi-dimensional beings. You likely have really good friends and family that voted opposite to you. Do they exemplify the typical media portrayal of the other side? For the rare few, maybe yes. For most though, probably not. It’s likely you have lots in common with them even while you disagree on a thing or two, or disagree on the best person to lead the nation. So too, the majority of unknown others who voted opposite to you likely have more in common with you than you think, and likely aren’t the “crazy other” caricature that they are portrayed to be.
Currently, the media have declared Biden President-Elect even while there are numerous allegations of election software glitches sending votes for one candidate to the other candidate, dead people voting, votes found in rubbish bins, hundreds of thousands of votes for one candidate showing up in black vans at 4am in several cities, people checking their vote status only to see the word “cancelled”, the list goes on. Now, if your preferred candidate was Biden you might be brushing this off as unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. But what if the situation was reversed? What if you voted Biden only to read on your status that your vote was cancelled or discovered it was thrown in the trash? How would you feel?
Currently, 70 million Americans have questions and those questions deserve to be answered and investigated if Unity is the aim of the game. It’s about honouring our shared, collective values including an honest, transparent election process.
Whatever the outcome, keep your focus on truth, the best possible future for humanity, and true Unity. Either way, the US is on the cusp of its Pluto Return. Either way, there will be a confrontation with everything in the collective shadow, and a collapse of anything not in alignment with authentic true power for the people, followed by a new era, a time of Rebirth and Renewal.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020