40 Days of Alignment - Get on Board!

Are you doing the 40 days of alignment tips?
(You can do it anytime - if you come across this later, start today!)
From 11/11-21/12 there are 40 days.
40 days is a sacred window of time in many world religions and spiritual traditions.
21/12/20 marks the day that Saturn joins Jupiter at 0 degrees of Aquarius after both have been meeting with Pluto several times all this year. This heralds a turning point for humanity, a new chapter.
Saturn is about taking responsibility, creating new foundations and in its shadow form can represent restrictions and dominating authority. It is essential for us to own our own inner authority and “adulthood” otherwise it will be projected onto us externally via an external controlling father aka governments, institutions, corporate bodies etc
Jupiter is about expansion, abundance, happiness and international connections. In its shadow form Jupiter can represent excess but as the “great benefic” it is generally a good planet to have around.
Aquarius represents humanity, freedom, technological advances and community.
Ideally our new Aquarian Age will be one that we create together, as free unique individuals working for the good of all, rather than restricted individuals controlled by over-protective father figure institutions. Our new Earth cycle is based on the former while the last Earth cycle was based on the latter. The latter energy is trying to take control for yet another 6000 year cycle but they are all out of tokens. It’s the New Reality’s turn to drive (not to be confused with the old reality’s attempts to stay behind the wheel with their planned permanent “new normal” and 'great reset').
Getting in Alignment with yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do, to contribute to the truth- and-freedom based New Reality, which is our authentic, organic, destined new chapter/timeline.
Q: Why, with so much going on in the world, would I do the 40 days of alignment? How does it help anything?
A: What the world needs now are people who are calm, clear and aligned with their best possible self and potential. From that space you can then make calm, clear decisions. You can feel what’s true for you more easily. You can take actions that are for your highest good and the highest good of all. Far from encouraging inaction, alignment encourages heart and soul aligned, inspired living on all levels.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020