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Hold Steady!

✊🏽 Hold steady

✨ Stay in your centre

👁 We did not come to Earth at this time to create a divided humanity ruled by overlords Quite the opposite

🌈 We came here to reclaim humanity’s natural way of being: freedom, unity, peace, love

❤️ No this isn’t airy fairy idealistic woo woo. Archaeologist Marija Gimbutas proved we once had thousands of years without war, living in harmonious, peaceful, harmonious, matri-focal communities

🌍 We are in the transitional tunnel, breaking away from 5000 years of, let’s call it the hijacking of humanity. Keep moving forward. Keep asking questions. Shine your light!

🔥 This too shall pass. Humanity’s natural evolution toward a new cycle of truth, love and a return to the light will prevail! Every indigenous culture has talked about this and prophesied it.

🌟 You were born for this time. You have prepared for it your whole life and even lifetimes. You can do this.


(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020

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