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4 July Lunar Eclipse: Revolution

✨ Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested. ✨ The Schumann Resonance is lit up ✨ The 4 July Lunar Eclipse (5 July in Australia) is opposing the United States’ Sun. This suggests a closing out of a chapter, an identity shift, a change in the very nature and essence of the nation’s way of being. This is happening just as the country is on the cusp of its Pluto Return connected to the Revolutionary War. This won’t be an overnight change, rather something that you’ll look back on and realise how important 2020 was to the overall transformation process. This doesn’t suggest a new war, rather some repeat of similar energy eg: fighting for freedom from tyranny and oppression. This has clearly already started in multiple ways, and involves uprooting decades if not centuries of unethical and criminal activity that spans the globe. The oppression has always been there, only it has been hidden, working in the shadows. The emphasis for humanity now is having that which has operated in the shadows brought to light (which eclipses do, which Pluto returns do too) and making our way toward true freedom, justice and liberty. ✨ It is significant that Ghislaine’s arrest has happened this close to this eclipse. Whatever information she hands over will be directly connected to this major shift for the US, this “bringing to light of the shadow players”, this “transformation of who we are as a country”. This is actually global, but the core unravelling starts in the US. How are you all feeling? P.S Lunar Eclipse will be 13’30 deg Capricorn ❤️❤️❤️

(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020

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