A new version of power

We're at a fork in the road when it comes to the kind of power structure we want to see on our planet.
The old way associates power with “control over” and as such is often forceful, dominating and intimidating. This is an extreme manifestation of power. It isn’t something that serves 99% of us. It comes from a lack of connection to true power within, and relies on the external to feed it.
It's a big shock in life when you realise that the biggest bullies are weak inside, wounded by something they never healed, disconnected from their true power within, disconnected from the Divine Source.
The new way is guided by a more authentic form of power: "power within" to be used for the benefit of all. It doesn’t want, or need power over others. It seeks to use this "power within" in a good way – to positively empower the self, and to empower others whether through care-taking, nurturing, protecting, teaching, guiding, inspiring or uplifting.
This takes a deep level of personal responsibility. Each of us has to connect to our power within, to truly embody our sovereignty and freedom. This will not be handed to us by a system that is built on the old way. It has to come from within first.
* This post was inspired by this month's theme "Feminine Power" in our She Fire Membership, going out this weekend. We discuss what this new version of power looks like, and ways to embody and express it in positive ways.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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