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Lunar Eclipse: Anger and Healing

The Lunar Eclipse today, 15 deg Sag, is making a square to Mars in Pisces. It’s also opposite Venus, who is mid-retrograde. What does this mean?

Try to keep a cool head. Emotions are always intensified during a full moon and times that by 100 for a Lunar Eclipse full moon. Then add fiery Mars into the mix, and tempers can flare out of nowhere with two people or two parties or two sides at complete loggerheads, not able to see the others point of view at all.

Astrology doesn’t override our actions or our response. It simply sets the stage. It is up to us how we choose to respond to things.

If you find yourself getting angry at your partner, take a breath. Calm your emotions and mind. Ask yourself, okay, what am I really upset about and how can I express myself in a better way?

If you are angry at the state of our world, same advice. Anger is beneficial when we use it in positive ways. It is destructive and detrimental when we keep it inside then unleash it violently causing harm to others.

Suggested questions to ask yourself this Lunar Eclipse:

🌕 What am I angry about in my personal life?

🌕 What do I need more of, from others? (Lunar eclipses tend to highlight relationships of all kinds)

🌕 What am I done with? What pattern, or situation, or relationship am I ready to let go of?

🌕 What do I need from myself?

🌕 What is one thing I can do to add more unity and connection into the world?


(c) Dana Mrkich 2020


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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020

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