Our Shadow Walk

A shadow is created when there is a source of Light and an object that is blocking that Light.
The closer the source of Light is to the object, the bigger the Shadow.
For those who have read my latest energy report, I talk about the Tale of Two Timelines. As the two timelines start getting closer and closer together, (let's call it the Light and the Object) the bigger the shadow gets. These two timelines are like two cars, neck and neck, almost within a hair of each other. There is only one highway lane ahead, and they both want it. Eventually one timeline has to win out.
The closer we get to this fork in the road, the closer the "Light" timeline gets to the "Object" timeline, and the bigger the Shadow gets. It's easy to get scared by this Shadow, and think it's a sign that the "Object" timeline is about to complete its takeover. But the Shadow is just showing how close the Light is to the Object.
The bigger the Light the bigger the Shadow.
An Object is never as big as the Shadow makes it out to be. The Light is magnifying it - so we can see it clearly.
Now is not the time to drown in the Shadow.
Or fear the Object. Now is the time to stand strong with the Light and open your eyes to what it is exposing: personally, socially and globally.
In the Shadow is all we haven't seen.
Potentials we are yet to discover. Hidden powers and deeds we haven't been allowed to know about or been ready to confront.
For anyone who has gone through a dark night of the Soul, you'll know that this Shadow Walk is never easy. But it is necessary if we are to see everything we need to see, and ultimately be who we came here to be.
Stay strong.
How are you all?
<3 <3 <3
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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