Our Supernova phase: old stars are dying, new stars will birth a new world

A Supernova discovered by a team of astronomers in India.
When a star completes its life cycle it explodes creating a Supernova.
From the gas and dust, nebulae are created....star nurseries that will birth new stars.
Note before reading: There are a lot of topics in this week's post, some of which may or may not be new to you. I recommend having a pad and pen next to you while reading, so wherever you think What is that all about? or I need more info on this!, jot down the topic so that you can do your own research later. If there are some topics where you don't know where to start looking, please post for help in the comments section below, and either I or a fellow reader can point you in the right direction with recommended search words etc. Thanks for keeping an open mind, we are all just trying to get to the truth! P.S It's quite long, so get yourself a tea or coffee, and enjoy! x
More than a few people have mentioned over the past week “I feel like I’m in a funk.” Others are feeling exhilarated by the rapid changes occurring. With so much energy currently circulating around us (and within us), and so many *significant to the awakening* global events happening, why are some people feeling flat, while others are feeling full of adrenalin (and others still are feeling frustrated, agitated, angry, pick an emotion!)?
How we experience energy is obviously a very personal thing, but what can help is knowing what that energy is in the first place. So let’s take a look at what is going on at the moment – starting with what’s been accelerating over the past few years:
The great awakening “energy” that we used to feel as incoming waves are here now, on the planet, swirling all around us and through us. You know all those Hollywood apocalyptic blockbusters where they show the big tsunami washing through cities, and earthquakes cracking everything open? Well here we are, only it’s a tonne of energetic tsunamis washing through everything and an energetic cracking open and breaking apart of things, absolutely transforming life as we know it in the physical.
The so called higher vibrational energy that we’ve waited so long for is having real life, globally visible to the masses, consequences. Everywhere we turn, we can see the old structures being dismantled, the old systems collapsing, and the Control Matrix we’ve been living within being revealed before our very eyes. Look at global events from the perspective of those Hollywood blockbusters…
- The protestors in Hong Kong knocking down facial recognition towers
- Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne telling us about “the men in black” and their encouragement of political espionage and blackmail
- Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies outing search term blacklists and manipulation of results
- The global web of human trafficking, including child trafficking, involving internationally recognised royalty, celebrities, Hollywood, politicians and business tycoons….and these are just a small sample of headlines from the past week!
The global “tsunami” is here, the global “earthquakes” are here…..releasing and revealing everything that was built on a now-expired foundation - and yes creating an apocalypse.
It all makes sense when you find out that the word apocalypse is from the Latin and ancient Greek word apocalypsis meaning:
to uncover, disclose, reveal.
Hollywood made everyone associate that word with the end of the world, and, for the old power elite, it is the end of their world. And it is the end of that old world for us, but for us (meaning the majority of humanity) that’s a good thing.
It feels like this ‘Shift’, this mass awakening, this disclosure to the masses, has crept up on the old power circles and taken them by surprise. Not that they didn’t know it was coming, they did. Only they thought they could control it and contain it because that’s what they’ve always done. If you’ve always been untouchable and unstoppable, and have believed yourself to be under the protection of a great power, why would you think that would change?
But there is a greater power. That of our humanity and our souls, and the true Source from which we all come. They have gone to SO much effort to keep our power from us, to repress it, suppress it, medicate and mind/media control it. AND STILL WE WOKE UP!!!
The surprise factor feels like that scene in the original Gremlins movie (at least my memory of the scene!) when the radar is showing that the Gremlins are coming closer and closer….and the Family are asking “Well where are they? We should be able to see them by now if they’re only centimetres away?!” Then it dawns on them, the Gremlins are directly underneath them, under the floor. This is the kind of feeling I get with how our mass awakening snuck up on the power circles. Something hasn’t happened in the way they expected it to…we came from around this way instead of that way. And Gremlins is an apt description when it comes to the way they see us.
It also feels as if some of the ‘human awakening’ waves came in through a sneaky secret portal……through the core of the Earth, and up and onto the surface. A couple of years ago when I was writing meditations for She Fire, I felt constantly guided to get people to go into their bodies, into their core, or wombspace, (depending on gender), from there into the Earth, into Her core, and from there through that out into the cosmos, out to the Galactic Centre which the Mayans call Hunab Ku – the Cosmic Womb. Some call this place Home, or yet another portal on the way to Home. It feels like it is through this galactic highway/energy portal (sorry to be using so many woo-woo terms but this is how it looks to me), that our Source energy can make its way to us without interference or detection. It feels like this is how it was able to bypass the Control Matrix grid structure that has been around the planet for, it would seem 5000 years.
And isn’t it fascinating that in most religious and spiritual traditions we are taught to go up not down. Religions teach that “Hell” is below us, and Heaven is above us. Spirituality usually focuses on ‘out there’, while bypassing or transcending the body. Both pathways have taken our focus off of the goodness and power of our human body and planet Earth (and the potential pathways they give us when it comes to awakening to our WHOLE self and truth). This isn’t to deny the truth of Spirit or Heaven or whatever words you want to use – rather, pay attention to what it is we have been asked to not look at, what have we been taught that doesn’t ring true?
On this note of being told what to think, the mainstream media actively discourage people from questioning official narratives, from going against the grain of the status quo, and from doing their own research into things. They call alternative news followers conspiracy theorists, and the do your own research encouraging Q movement a cult.
What seems more like a cult?
Trust what we say. We are the authority. Don’t do your own research.
If you do things your own way you will be ostracised and ridiculed.
Do your own research. Find the truth. Wake up.
Back to the 5000 years control structure – interestingly enough, the beginnings and timeline of patriarchy synch in with ancient records (Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian, Indian) describing visitors from other worlds and their high tech flying machines. Has patriarchy been the public fall guy for a private agenda of control that has roots in something other than male dominance?
This control has been spiritual/other dimensional, as well as physical/mental/emotional, and has been carried on through so called elite bloodlines and Families. They were seen as Gods by the ancients, and they are called Stars in our modern society. This isn’t to say that all “ancient visitors” were bad. I know a lot of you, myself included, have strong connections with certain star systems that feel positive and good. However, there is a particular lineage that doesn’t work for the best interests of humanity, and to be blunt, has enslaved the majority be it literally in cages, or just by way of the systems and structures we live within.
I may have totally lost you here with talk of a control matrix, ancient visitors and galactic superhighways, but all evidence indicates this is the situation we find ourselves in. The good news is: We’re busting this structure wide open from the inside.
We are the ones we have been waiting for – Hopi Proverb
Things have really ramped up over the last few weeks with one box of secrets after the other being revealed on a daily basis. A new level of awakening is occurring for people as more "stuff" is getting revealed, and it can feel really jarring to know that reality is actually very different to what you thought it was. This is as true on the smaller scale (eg family secrets coming out, family 'stuff' exploding) as it is on the larger scale (whistleblowers coming out by the minute). So back to the funk some people have been feeling. All this stuff coming out creates a kind of "smog"...it's like pollution all coming out at once. On the bigger picture macro level it's a good thing, as it's got to come out in order to be cleared away. But on a micro, emotional level it can feel quite suffocating and overwhelming - especially with every new revelation and realisation. It can also feel liberating and energising, a feeling of "yes this is why I came here! To help clear this crap, woohoo finally it's out there!" Also, we can dip in and out of all these feelings. Feelings don't run on a straight, upward line. They spiral up and down, we go higher and deeper.
Sensitives and empaths are feeling the “stuff” as it releases, and we need to find a way to regularly shake it off. Physical movement helps - a good vigorous walk or run, a hike, a swim, a bath in salts, anything to give yourself a good "cleansing" knowing that most of this smog/fog/pollution isn't yours - it's you feeling it in the environment/world around you. Where it is yours, my mum's mantra was always "Better out than in!"
Remind yourself of the good stuff - laugh, watch something funny, go catch up with a friend, do something creative, cultural, fun, joyful.
LIFE, "joie de vivre", the joy of living, is the way out of the smog/fog.
It is the way to remember the part 2 of why we are here:
1) Bust open the matrix
2) Create our new reality!
A lot of people are also experiencing shocks – unexpected diagnoses that turn out to be misdiagnoses, accidents, jolts, someone banging into your car, unexpected news or events. For many it feels like these shocks are happening to trigger very intense (old) emotions, as a way of getting them out of your body. We’ve been clearing stuff on the energetic levels for years…..now it’s the body’s turn to clear any remaining “stuff” that does not belong in the new. This includes ancestral memories and patterns that may not belong to you, but you've been carrying them in your DNA nevertheless - for better or worse.
Back to the Global…..Some people feel that, even though there have been some significant breakthroughs re the breakdown of the elite power system, that at the end of the day they will keep doing what they’ve been doing, and keep getting away with everything they’ve been getting away with. I don’t think so.
The visual I get is of a big thick wall in between a dam and a rushing river. The dam represents the elite power system and all those in it. They created one set of rules and laws for the “regular people”, and one set of rules and laws for themselves. Over the past few decades, people have been drilling holes in this dam wall, trying to reveal to the masses what has been going on behind the scenes of this show that we call reality. However, those holes have always been very quickly plastered over in one way or another….nothing to see here folks! Over the last few years however, holes are being drilled faster than the wall plasterers can keep up. No sooner has one been covered over, then ten more appear. Cracks are now starting to form, and even the most sceptical person is starting to realise “Hang on a minute, things are not really what they seem over on that dam side.”
We now have hole-makers (whistleblowers, truthseekers, abuse victims/survivors) working furiously on one side, while we have an increasingly passionate, enraged, curious or simply fed up public starting to tear down the wall from the other side. Alternative and citizen journalists are acting as go-betweens, facilitating the mass spread of information.
JFK tried to tell us
First they ignore you
David Icke tried to tell us
Then they laugh at you
Julian Assange tried to tell us
Then they fight you
Weinstein: what else is happening in Hollywood
NXIVM: what other names are involved
Epstein: what else did he provide, and to whom
…the public awakening gains momentum
Q harnesses and increases a growing desire for truth,
creating a movement where people are united
under the umbrella of truth, power, freedom
Then you win
It is not a matter of IF the full dam wall will break. At this point it’s a matter of when. In part, that’s up to us. If we’re on a Universe Reality Show right now, my bet is that the entire viewing audience from planets far and wide are shouting at us to “WAKE UP!!” What does this look like?
We need to stop saying “This is how it’s always been, and this is how it’s always going to be. They’ll get away with it as always.”
We need to have the courage to see the truth.
We need to get back to talking with each other, communicating, and not engage in the ‘divide and conquer’ program.
And, most importantly, remember who you are.
You are a human and a soul, created by the Light and Love of the Universe by whatever name you call that…God, Divine, Source, She, He, We, Home. There is nothing more precious or more powerful than remembering who we are, and remembering to reconnect to that place inside us that remembers.
Take 1 minute when you wake up, and 1 minute before you go to bed,
to connect to that part of you.
So many of us these days are on our screens first thing and last thing, connected online to the world, but forgetting to connect to our true source of energy within.
Within is your fuel stop, where you can recharge, rest, renew, regain clarity and sanity.
Have a great week.
(C) Dana Mrkich 2019
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