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A Return to She

I enrolled in the Women, Spirituality & Social Justice Master's degree because I wanted to immerse myself in as much evidence and knowledge as possible to back up what every cell in my body tells me: that we used to know She, a Mother Creator, a Mother Goddess, a Supreme Feminine Being Source of All.

And that eventually, evidence of Her existence was destroyed and distorted, diminished and devalued. And that this has directly resulted- directly- in the overall devaluing and repression of Women and the Feminine in our world, including within Men.

I needed and wanted a circle of ancient and contemporary support to verify that yes, we once lived in peace for thousands of years under this Maternal influence, and we can do it again.

During this phase of my life and work, it isn't enough that I draw on just my own intuitive knowing. I need to dig deep into the archeological evidence and research and findings of the thousands of women and men who have come before me, who have connected the dots between this ancient truth, the Millenia long suppression of it, and the massive societal and spiritual shift we seek.

I'm only a week into my degree, 8 days straight of 16 hour days as I complete my intensives, but already I've read and heard and received everything I was looking for...and there are still a few years of this degree to go!

I am excited about everything I'm soaking up and look forward to sharing what I learn. I'm bringing this energy into my She Fire Circle that starts next week and am soo looking forward to the deep journey we'll all go on during the 13 weeks as together we remember how to connect to this energy within ourselves...and go on to embody it and express it in our lives and in our world.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2017

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