Much movement!

I've disappeared a bit with posts as things have been very full in my personal world to say the least. We were super busy clearing my grandmother's farm of 40 years - house, sheds, you name it she kept it - as it has sold and everything has to be out of there. Then last Sun she had a big fall, requiring hip surgery, so my sisters and I have been on 24/7 shifts with her at the hospital. Our partners, friends and family are doing amazing with their love, support and helping with the big move.
If you've followed me for a while, you'll know I've been doing a Pay What You Can day for my online courses, every year on my birthday March 11, for seven years now. I'm not in the space to get that happening this minute but will offer it later this month once I come up for air.
Baka is a fighter, she is doing way better than the doctors expected for an 88 years young!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2017