Solar Flares, Wifi and Bees

Over the last 5 days the Sun has released a very strong solar flare every day bar yesterday. Everyone will experience this differently. You might feel energised by it, with lots of adrenaline pumping for no obvious reason. You might feel increased anxiety, irritability or like you've had too much coffee.
We feel flares like there is electricity in the air, so we can find it hard to get to sleep or stay asleep. Something that I always intend to do, and forget, but really I need to remember, is to turn off the wifi at night. This is a good general rule for every night of the week, giving our bodies a bit of a break, and it helps out the animals and anything living around us that is so affected by it, especially bees!
Maybe one household doing it isn't going to make a huge difference, but imagine if lots of us got in this habit, or it was an overall social norm to turn wifi off at night. I wonder what positive affect it would have on our personal energy which is wifi'd to the max these days, not to mention all living things.
It's also a good idea to turn our phones off at night which similarly have an effect on human, animal, bee, plant and all living energy. We use them as our alarms but as I write this I know we need to change that habit. I love my gentle harp music waking me so definitely don't want a beep beep beep alarm! What do you all use?
Interesting reading:
(c) Dana Mrkich 2016