Earth Turbulence/Emotional Turbulence

In the past week the Earth has experienced two 7+ grade earthquakes (Vanuatu and Afghanistan) and the strongest hurricane on record to make landfall (Mexico). Sending out lots of prayers, and our thoughts to all affected. These Earth-events, regardless of their cause, are increasingly felt by us the more energetically sensitive we become. Around a week ago, I posted about the extreme turbulence a lot of people were experiencing emotionally, with heightened feelings of anxiety and general off-centredness. Then, interestingly enough, this was followed by three significant, turbulent weather events.
Were we energetically picking up on the coming weather events, much in the same way that animals can sense a storm, earthquake or tsunami coming? Or, were we energetically responding to some unknown influence, be it some disturbance in the cosmic field or some man-made weather tampering, that as a result had us feeling on edge, and gave the Earth a shake and a stir? These days, I don't think any of us can be sure of anything anymore as multiple layers of reality are unravelling at warp speed. What I do know is, we are sensitive beings, increasingly so. We are responding in greater ways, emotionally, physically and energetically to everything around us. Not just to that in our immediate environment, but also to those things that are happening on the other side of the world. It's a Full Moon today. Most people no longer question the effect a Full Moon has on us, yet can still find it hard to believe that we would be affected by something we can't see. The reality of energy influence and sensitivity may seem like woo woo crazy talk to much of the mainstream, but then so would the idea of television, radio, internet, texting and instagram to people in our relatively recent history. Instant connection. "But how???!!!" they would have said. Just as those things above are our now normal, so will energy reality and awareness take its place as our new normal. Sometimes we may not know why we are feeling as we do, but it can be helpful to know that thousands if not millions of others are feeling the exact same way. How are you all feeling?
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