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Solstice and Star Ancestors

Happy Solstice from Chichen Itza, Mexico! The Mayan Temple of Kukulkan is one of my favourites, designed with such precision and harmony. It has 365 steps one for each day of the year, 91 per side with the top platform being 365. Each Equinox and Solstice, shadows fall in perfect alignment specific to each of those 4 days. Genius and brilliance is an under-statement.

These sacred sites provide clues as to our ancient, stellar history, our connection with those who came from the stars who will one day come again. Our star ancestors are still here, living on through all of you who remember your star seed on also through those who don't yet remember.

Sacred sites like this activate memory, knowledge, abilities and consciousness. They are like lightning rods for electro-magnetic cosmic, solar energy. My experience has been that visiting them awakens and activates energy within you but with time and space being increasingly irrelevant I think connecting with the energy via thought or visual is the next best thing and who's to say it's not just as effective.

Ask to awaken to your stellar knowledge, ask for your star self to be activated. Ask for all of who you are to now be embodied on this Earth in a good way.

Who remembers their starseed heritage? What are your thoughts on our ancient star ancestors? Please feel free to share your stories and experiences!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2015

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Love Dana x


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