If this were a reality show

If this were a reality TV show…
Imagine that beings on some far off planet are watching a daily reality TV show featuring us and the events taking place on Planet Earth today. Our show provides them with entertainment and amusement, it makes them laugh and cry, and sometimes they hold their heads in disbelief at the state we have got ourselves into. They are placing bets in bars all over the galaxy. Are we going to realize that the Emperor has no clothes on? Or are we going to band together and confront him about the truth, and bring down the rascal tailors? Are we going to turn this train around just before we crash, or are we headed towards complete self-destruction?
Whatever the outcome of this particular fairy tale-cum-planetary reality show we are living, we are each responsible for the outcome. We can stay in denial or we can all do something to help put our society back on track so that we can redeem ourselves from this ridiculous state of affairs. It only takes one person to say to the next, “Hey, that guy’s naked!”
It is time to say to the emperor and his corrupt crew of tailors, “The tribe has spoken, it’s time to go.”
P.s The above is an excerpt from an article I wrote 16 years ago The Emperor refers to the hidden hands who have been pulling the puppet strings for a long time, creating a version of reality where up is down and down is up, conditioning people to accept their version as truth. However....the people were always destined to wake up and that’s what is happening now
Excerpt from: “The Emperor’s New Clothes” article by Dana Mrkich, Living Now magazine, 2004.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2020
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(c) Dana Mrkich 2020