Mars Retro: Anger and other Energy needing Expression

Goddess Kali: Artist Unknown
Happy Solstice everyone! It's the shortest day of the year for us in the Southern Hemisphere, and longest in the Northern 🌞
We also have Mars, the planet of "energy needing expression", preparing to go retrograde next week. Retrograde periods highlight and intensify the influence of a planet, making us more aware of how we're using a particular energy in our life. With Mars, it can bring up: anger, rage, explosive outbursts or aggression.
It's a time to look at why these emotions are coming up:
What is really being triggered? What underlying issue is wanting your attention?
What is your habitual response when it comes to anger?
Do you shut down, suppress it or project it? Do you need to change this response? Do you need to learn to express yourself and your needs in a more assertive way?
Mars retro can also increase your desire to be physically active or vice versa enforce or encourage a period of rest.
It's also a great time to cook up creative ideas that you can implement a few months down the road.
If you are one of the many for whom anger or rage is bubbling up, or if you're empathetically absorbing it from the collective, strong physical workouts are an excellent, healthy way of moving that energy through you. Exercise is great for clearing any "excess" energy that doesn't belong to you. It clears your mind so that you can healthy address any authentic anger that does belong to you. Anger and rage are powerful emotions and messengers. We don't just want to "release" them, especially if they are coming up strongly or recur often. It's better to look at why the emotion is there. Ask the emotion: what are you wanting to tell me?
There is A LOT of projection going on at the moment- personally, socially and politically. We are angry about that over there, meanwhile the same thing is happening here (in our psyche/our home/our life/our country/our side). Projection happens because it's just too painful or overwhelming to see/accept what's happening "here".
There is nothing wrong with being angry. What isn't helpful however is being angry when it happens "there" but ignoring it when it happens "here". The tricky thing is we can often have a blind spot when it comes to what's happening "here" which is why listening to each other is SO important right now. Other people can see our blind spots, and we can see theirs. Our new human mantra needs to be listen up instead of lashing out.
How are you all feeling? #listenupinsteadoflashingout