She Fire Sessions are Here!

After 3 years of stepping back from 1-1 Soul Sessions,
I'm very happy to let you know that
1-1 She Fire Skype Sessions are now available!
When I let go of my Soul Sessions a few years ago I honestly thought that I was done with working that way. I loved connecting with everyone individually, but accessing information via my Crown Chakra no longer felt right for me. This doesn't mean it isn't a valuable way to access higher guidance - it is. However, after 20 years of working this way every cell in my being told me it was time to let go.
Letting go of a very strong connection to 'up there and out there' had me enter the void - that place of the unknown. It is the place where you surrender to the death of the old, and await the birth of the new. It is lush, fertile ground, yet so many of us are scared to go there because it means letting go of that which gives us some sense of structure: our identity, career, income, relationships or whatever it is for you. The void can make you feel a bit like Sandra Bullock in the movie Gravity, floating around space with no clear sense of where you are going, or how you are going to get there. Yet, you can feel your body relaxing, as if to say 'thank you for letting go.' If you listen closely to the silence, you can hear the whisperings of something new. You can feel your body start to rest itself into new soil, sending new roots into the Earth, preparing you for the next phase. Your conscious mind may not know yet what that is, but your body knows. Your soul knows. Your heart knows. Trust this wisdom inside you that knows.
From the void I started connecting with my feminine flow in a greater way. I started feeling an ancient, powerful creator force that went by the name of SHE. I felt SHE in me. I felt Her energy go down into the Earth, and through Mother Earth to the centre of our Galaxy. SHE felt like she was Mother Earth's mother. SHE felt like she was our grandmother's, grandmother's, grandmother's, grandmother's, grandmother's guide and Mother Creatress. My strong connection to an ancient knowing was returning but this time in a new way. In She Fire Sessions, your energy still speaks to my energy as it did before. However now I feel the lines of communication coming not via our crown chakra's, but through our hearts, our bodies, our wombs, our connection to our ancestors, our connection to Earth, and connection to our ancient SHE Fire.
After years of doing Written Soul Sessions, it was important to offer these She Fire Sessions via Skype. I want to see you, talk with you, and I want you to be an equal partner in accessing the information that wants to come through for you. It is time for us all to step up into our She (or He) Fire, Flow and Power.
I understand that SHE can be a loaded gender pronoun for some people. I want to make clear that these Sessions are open to everyone who resonates. Whether you are she, he, they, cisgender or LGBTQI, the door is open.
** When you book, you'll notice that there is a Regular Price as well as a She Fire Member Price. The She Fire Member Price is for everyone who has done the 13 Week Circle. It's also for everyone in our She Fire Monthly Membership, which I'll officially tell you all about next week. For now, the Monthly Membership info is on my site so that those of you who are interested in joining can take advantage of the She Fire Member Rate via this Special Offer when booking your Session.
I look forward to working with you in person! If you have any questions, please let me know.
Love Dana x