Capricorn New Moon

This is our New Moon candle. Every New Moon we light this before dinner, and give thanks for all to come in the month ahead. It's a great way to connect as a family on our wishes and intentions. This is on top of our daily prayer before dinner giving thanks for all we have. It creates a really nice energy, and again is a few minutes in the day where we stop and appreciate life. It really puts things in perspective especially during times where maybe it's been a week full of bills or an emotional day.
Today's New Moon is in Capricorn, the steady mountain-climber of the zodiac. You may have a list of goals and dreams for the year, if not now is a great time to write it. From there, Capricorn is all about the action steps: how are you going to get there?
With each of your goals or dreams take a few minutes, eyes closed, and ask what do I need to know in order to make this happen?
Your attention might be drawn to a belief that needs shifting or a habit that needs changing.
Eyes closed again, ask what do I need to do? Write down any action steps that come to you, ignoring any critical or judgy inner voice.
Use this as a guide forward this month picking one or two do-able steps! 🌟🌟🌟
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